May 1, 2021

Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution – and Why America Might Miss It

Susan Crawford

The book does a nice job of explaining the importance of a wired connection for our wireless future. We run into the famous physicist Claude Shannon again in this book about the United States’ sluggish embrace of fiber and the 5G future. According to the author, the only technology capable of bursting through the ‘Shannon limit’ – the physical limit of information-carrying radio wave capacity – is fiber. We are skeptical. The book outlines those countries with advanced fiber networks (e.g. South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, China, etc.), and their ability to offer gig access for $30 to $50 per month. We think the book is overly critical of  U.S. cable companies, which offer similarly priced plans at gig speeds (with talk of 10 gigs in the near future), and their hybrid-fiber coaxial cable lines as a potential solution to future 5G limitations.

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