November 1, 2019

Merger Masters: Tales of Arbitrage

Kate Welling and Mario Gabelli

This book is for true value investing junkies that perk up when something is “happening” (e.g. M&A, recapitalizations, asset sales, reorganizations, self-tenders, and liquidations). A Warren Buffett quote comes immediately to mind upon reading this book…taken from his 1988 shareholder letter, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to arbitrage and you feed him forever.” Through conversations with 17 risk arbitrageurs / value investors ranging from John Paulson to Paul Singer and Michael Price, the authors trace the natural evolution many of these investors have taken from pure risk arbitrage (providing liquidity for those not interested in waiting for a deal to close) to activist investing (use influence to close the “value gap”) and finally distressed investing (the natural end to the investing cycle). Several common themes among the investors include the importance of thoughtful valuations, robust risk controls, and portfolio construction.

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