April 1, 2022

The Bond King: How One Man Made a Market, Built an Empire, and Lost It All

Mary Childs

The author traces PIMCO’s history from a sleepy unit inside a large life insurance company to the world’s largest bond manager. Bill Gross revolutionized the fixed income market in the 1970s with the notion that bonds didn’t just have to sit in vaults until maturity, but could be traded effectively. The book spends considerable time digging into PIMCO’s unique and obsessive culture that led to the firm’s impressive track record. Along the way, it becomes clear that Gross eccentricities, which likely were the driving force behind the performance results, became a firm-wide issue as the team around him evolved over time and struggled to manage his unique temperament. The book is well written, easy to read and a guidebook on how not to run an asset management firm.

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