March 1, 2020

The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success

William N. Thorndike

We try to read The Outsiders at least annually. It is our favorite, and most recommended, book on the topic of shareholder orientation. The author compares eight unique CEOs and their legendary track records with the traditional example of a successful CEO…GE’s Jack Welch. The “Outsiders” share a common philosophy that includes several similarities: a preference for cash flow over earnings, opportunistic share buybacks, decentralized operations, the thoughtful use of leverage and infrequent, but meaningful acquisitions. Despite stock performances that trounced the market and their peers, this group of extraordinary leaders were not “charismatic”, but, rather were often humble, independent, highly analytical (more engineers than MBAs) and family-oriented. We are always on the “look-out” to partner with Outsider-like CEOs.

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